On the sauce

By drinkdrankdrunk - 27/09/2013 07:33 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, I woke up from a night of heavy drinking to find my girlfriend dumped me. Apparently I drunk-called her last night and told her that someone as beautiful as her could be with someone way better than me. She agreed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 269
You deserved it 17 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Drunk call her back so you have an excuse to call her a stupid bitch.

Lol I once did that. Jk, what's a girlfriend?


If you drink that much, maybe you were right.

If it wasn't a regular occurrence, and my bf drunk-called me all cute while out with his friends, I'd be happy. It would mean that even drunk he was thinking about me and not doing stupid things. But yes, this story definitely needs a follow up explaining more.

I don't really have any sympathy for people who get black out drunk...perhaps she didn't dump you because she's beautiful, she dumped you because you have issues with alcohol.

Major_Mess 8

Well it seems like you might be an honest drunk.

I have a feeling she broke up with you because of your drinking...not because she agreed with you. Though that could have had something to do with it.

hey_itskrissy 5

Get drunk again and call her back to tell her you already found someone.

circlelranch69 1

Well Atleast u got a better reply than ok. Or nothing at all.


DorkAlert 10

One of the reasons I don't get drunk.