One last thing…

By Aerostar - 16/06/2009 04:35 - United States

Today, we had our divorce hearing and now it is final. As we were leaving the courthouse, I told my ex-wife how happy I was that we were finally free from each other. Then my junky old van wouldn't start and I had to beg her for a ride home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 201
You deserved it 69 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I remember moderating it and I almost clicked NO because I think YDI

...or you couldve called a friend to pick you up, thus avoiding the humiliation of having to beg your ex wife for a ride home. YDI!


Was I the only one who honestly didn't think the OP was trying to be insulting in his comment? It sounded like he was happy for both of them. I would've said YDI if he had been like "I'M happy to finally be free of YOU."

Xeciaris 0

Have some pride! I could only imagine the humiliation you must of faced. I would of either taken the bus or just called a friend, never resorted to asking my ex who I just divorced to give me a ride. I'm sorry but YDI.

its clear the lawyer did it ! What a dude, playin with your cars engine ... hmph !


YDI for having a shifty car and probaly being poor....ever think ur ex hated that car?

What do his ex's preferences on cars have to do with all this?

mrose57 0

If I was your ex, I'd have given you a quarter to call a friend, which you obviously don't have if you're begging her for a ride.

you could have called a taxi, or a friend to pick you up. So not only are you an ass to your ex-wife, you're also cheap for not wanting to pay cab fare. And/or have no friends.

vicky123xyz 0

if i was your ex i would drive away laughing

ajscw 0

Ydi u need to keep ur mouth shut

justdesserts 0

YDI for having a crappy car.