
By fuckjuggalos - 29/06/2012 23:57 - United States - Eugene

Today, I found out just how easy it is to be launched against the wall and sucker-punched into oblivion by a 200-pound former Marine turned professional body-builder. I discovered this after I told my fiancée's dad that we were expecting a baby. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 136
You deserved it 5 038

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Did he go on to Falcon Punch your fiance in the abdomen?

auddylynne 0

Haha that seriously sucks!

No such thing as a former marine, once a marine always a marine

Whahahah maybe you should have asked for permission first.

Things that shouldn't go together: Marine, body builder, and fooling around with daughter.

Iniezian 18

That's assault. You both are consenting adults and obviously support yourselves. This guy sounds like a controlling obsessive psycho. Maybe if he spends a couple months in jail, it'll teach him a little lesson. Tell the cops, OP!

yeah, punching someone won't get you months in jail.

Yes it absolutely will, punching someone is assault, which will get you a jail sentence, sometimes quite a hefty one. What the father did was aggravated assault. This can carry a jail sentence of anywhere from 4 months to 20yrs, along with a $200 to$10,000 dollar fine. Check your facts before spreading false information.

Only thing worse than in-laws - in-laws from the military.

That guy is crazy. He has not right what comes in and out of his daughter's ******. It might be awkward, but you should sue him for assault. He sounds unstable.

When he let go kick his nuts into his throat