Panic attack

By Anonymous - 06/05/2009 00:22 - United States

Today, I went to donate blood for the first time. When they stuck the needle in my arm, I had a panic attack and begged that they take it out. The woman helping me told me she'd take it out in a moment and left. It was then that the Red Cross stole a pint of my blood while I had a panic attack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 738
You deserved it 18 083

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HAHAHA!! I'm a fan of any FML that says "the Red Cross stole a pint of my blood..." Good times.

proxay 0

i gave blood in novermber last year and i can faintly remember a clause in all that paperwork that said if at any time you change your mind about giving they will stop the procedure. it sucks that they did that to you. i hope it doesnt deter you from giving blood in the future. its for a good cause. and no. 6 you are a jerk : /


To all the idiots saying 'panic attacks aren't real, pfft, what a loser'... you obviously have no clue what a panic attack is like. Search it up, it is very real. To OP, that sucks. They should've taken the needle out, but hey, it's done and for a good cause.

Some people are so insensitive here. They should have taken the needle out as soon as you asked, and you were not a wuss. End of story.

cmb8280 24

You're an asshole. Every time one of those people puts a needle in someone's arm and doesn't draw enough blood it counts against them, meaning they could be subject to retraining and/or firing. So just because you're a pansy and couldn't handle a witty bitty needle you expect me to think Your life sucks? Her life sucks for having to deal with idiots like you every day just to put food on the table. Suck it up

_awwhellnaw_ 45

OP's life sucks because they had a /panic attack!/ You, sir, are a dick.

lucidpattern 6
AssassinBug 15

I may not understand this, but does that mean they have a pint of blood full of adrenaline in those freezers? Can it dilute?

I remember my first time i insisted i was fine during the procedure, then stood up and fainted on the spot lol.

I have a genetic incurable disease that requires I give multiple pints every 3 months, but not for donation, for testing for a cure. I am also medically unable to give blood for the same reason

thatonetribute 31

The Red Cross didn't "steal" anything. You said you were going to donate, so you did.