Party time!

By haileypaige123 - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I went to my first party, hoping to maybe meet some people. I was there for 4 hours, and the person/thing that I interacted most with was a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 036
You deserved it 7 157

Top comments

waveringatom 1

I already see your future as a lady with 40 cats in her house. I love animals do I see nothing wrong.


Clamcreepy 7

This sounds like early stages of the crazy cat lady. Maybe You should consider drinking(if your old enough to legally buy it) so you can get that liquid courage flowing through body and spark up a conversation in no time.

Considering her apparent social skills she wont be getting any 'liquid courage' flowing through her body anytime soon...

iAmScrubs 19

You should've got the cat's number. I see a spark that could turn into a new relationship. It would be purfect. You could pawsibly even get married after.

Try to be more out-going, start a conversation with someone.

desireev 17

Are you a member of the Red Hat Ladies? If so, you're in stage 2 of the C.C.L. initiation process! One more step to go then you'll have a 100-year-old home that you live in with 1,276 cats and a free HoverRound electric wheelchair! CRAZY CAT LADIES UNITE!

Social skills are a skill, sad thing is if you approached someone you don't know odds are they'd be an asshole to you. People are so mean nowadays.

coletrain11 5

A skill is a skill? My mind is blown.

You're welcome. Go think about that one. Lol. :)

Social skills are like riding a flaming unicycle over a dental floss tightrope over Niagra Falls, whilst balancing a barrel of rabit cats on your head, juggling machetes and trying to program with no prior knowledge of how to do so. At least to me. Everyone else seems to see it as simple as riding a bike...

flockz 19

then my social skills are equivalent to riding a bike without a seat.

Rabit cats? Like half cat half rabbit? Or rabid cats as in they have rabies?

Rabid or Rabbit, either way it's not safe to let them attack you.

StromyG2 10

This is definitely a reflection on you. Thus, YDI.

Was it an intimate relationship you feel like you developed with the cat or was it more of a personal trainer type thing?

Yeah you should be coming out the closet pretty soon!!

desireev 17

The cat was only following Coach Daddys instructions to get out and meet people. The Cat would be so discouraged to know that even Coach Daddys advice didn't help! You should be ashamed of yourself! The Cat really liked you!

Maybe OP has social skills, and it was just a lame ass party?

KiddNYC1O 20

Maybe op's unapproachable. Maybe everyone's unapproachable. Maybe it's Maybelline!