
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I thought it would be a great idea to tell my coworker to calm down when he appeared to be very uptight. He thought it would be a great idea to punch me right in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 486
You deserved it 14 275

Top comments

Looks like both of you need to re-evaluate what a good idea is

ReesesPuffs 0

Yeahh... violence is always the answer.


Sue! If he wants to be violent, make him pay! He'll think twice next time.

TalkinSmack 6

Sounds like ur a bit uptight OP. JUST CALM DOWN!

However your face would be a good idea to de-stress himself, I couldn't see any other option, sometimes gonna take one from your friend

dontpanic_fml 32

Do you have any idea how enraging it is to be told to calm down? How exactly do any of you expect this to help a person? Oh yes...someone who knows nothing about my situation is telling me, for no reason at all, to calm down. I better do that.

WadeWilson_fml 6

When you're pissed off and someone tells you to calm down it only makes you more angry. I know from experience

n_epic_fail 14

No, he was showing his appreciation by trying to kill that fly that happened to land on your face.... By using his fist.

Ikickmidgets 11

bet you wont offer your opinion again when someone is irritated. Good life lesson

structuredchaoz 4

Even tho he is very wrong for hitting you, very wrong. It annoys the piss out of me when people say ''calm down.''