
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I thought it would be a great idea to tell my coworker to calm down when he appeared to be very uptight. He thought it would be a great idea to punch me right in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 486
You deserved it 14 275

Top comments

Looks like both of you need to re-evaluate what a good idea is

ReesesPuffs 0

Yeahh... violence is always the answer.


There's just "great ideas" all over the workplace today!

lpietr21 9

Actually, the worst thing to tell an angry person is 'calm down.' It's like adding fuel to the fire.

mojojojo91 6

Never tell Bruce Banner to calm down. I hear he turns into this giant muscular green man.

Talk about male PMS. Kudos to you for trying to help, though.

How was thus trying to help? It was giving they guy an order to calm down. Totally deserved it!

Nowhere in the FML does it say he ordered the guy to calm down. If I know someone is having a stressful day (especially my sister) I tell them to calm down so that they won't stress themselves to the point of being sick which is possible

Poetaster 10

I think it would be a great idea if he had to go to court for assault.

That A$$#0|& well this happens to me all the time I get in the middle, end up being beat as well so telling someone to calm down usually doesn't help. Hope you feel better xoxo :)

Buttsexpirate 9

"Hey buddy calm down" "I'm not a gay clown! Falcon puuuunch!"

To # 25, don't make me angry, you wont like it if I'm angry

It's nice that you wanted to help him but don't ever tell people generic advice like "Calm down, bro". That just shows that you really don't understand his situation. You should have asked him what was wrong and went from there. However, for him to get violent shows he really needs anger management. So just tell your boss and leave the angry guy alone.

ramboman19 8

You can't really assume he needs anger management. Maybe OP has been bugging the shit out of this guy for a long time and he finally snapped. Maybe the guys mom died or something seriously happened. YDI op.

Mean_Mr_Mustard 9

It's a lot funnier if you picture them both as trani-strippers and the song in the back ground is "She works hard for her money, so hard for her money.."