
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I thought it would be a great idea to tell my coworker to calm down when he appeared to be very uptight. He thought it would be a great idea to punch me right in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 486
You deserved it 14 275

Top comments

Looks like both of you need to re-evaluate what a good idea is

ReesesPuffs 0

Yeahh... violence is always the answer.


13FTW 9

Where the **** did you come up with that 34?

DougC 0

Dude, there is nothing more annoying than when you are already pissed off and then someone tells you to "calm down". You should know better next time

Mean_Mr_Mustard 9

No where special. I was bored with the FML so I decided to picture different situations that would make it funny to me. I went through cowboy's, circus clowns, Paris Hilton look-a-likes, and those way too chipper to be real people from sea world until I got it right.

Don't take his shit, op. Report him and get him fired. You have rights in the workplace and he obviously doesn't give a damn about them.

My revenge would include : rusty knife ( butter knife if possible ), lemons, sand paper, and cheese.

dontpanic_fml 32
KiddNYC1O 20

Obviously it was wrong of the other guy to hit OP but I think there's more to this story. The OP and this guy were probably getting on each other's nerves for a while, and seeing that he was upsetting the other guy, OP used the ever-enraging "calm down" ("relax" works for me, too). Personally, I wouldn't antagonize an angry person but that's just me.

leadman1989 15

Firstly you should have told him to CALM HIS **** nobody can hit you when they're confused/ laughing. Secondly KICK HIM IN HIS RIGHT GOOUCHE for punching you!!! >:0

wrwrestler7 1

To all the IDIOTS OUT THERE: Being UPTIGHT means there is a PROBLEM/ISSUE that is BOTHERING THEM. Telling somebody to CALM DOWN does NOT resolve the issue- it is telling them to GO AGAINST their natural instincts on how they should feel. Instead, try saying "hey you look like you have alot on your mind, id like to help if its possible, is something bothering you?" This way you can help them SOLVE the issue and therefore BECOME CALM, instead of you b*tchily trying to tell them to fake being calm. Get it? GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!

dontpanic_fml 32

Choke that bitch out and stomp out his face. Don't take that shit