
By niquey62307 - 08/12/2009 03:36 - United States

Today, I found out my neighbor has been watching my husband and I have sex for the 2 years we've been married. He slaps his sausage and smokes 5 cigarettes while he watches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 354
You deserved it 5 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

...five? Your husband's got mad endurance!

Is "slaps his sausage" slang for masterbating or is he ACTUALLY slapping a sausage. I personally think if he was literally slapping a sausage while watching you have sex would be so much funnier!


Start charging for the peep show & make something off it atleast lol

Larco_fml 3

I was visiting a friend at night when I noticed some guy doing pushups in the house across the street. Then I noticed he didn't have any pants on. 'Ha, that's weird!' I thought, and called everyone over to look. After a couple of minutes it became apparent he was having sex.

send his ass bill for all his viewing pleasure, never know you might get a tip.

Here's a thought. Close your curtains. Problem solved.