This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

Piss off

By KaySchrages92 - 19/10/2023 16:25 - United States

Today, a neo-Nazi stopped me and commented on my blue eyes and blonde hair. He went on to explain that I could be "pure", and should follow him and other Aryans in the campaign to eliminate Jews, and other "abominations". Good thing he didn't see the Star of David necklace around my neck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 665
You deserved it 3 895

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What the ****? How could people vote YDI? People these days...

juturnaamo 29

You should have pulled it out, and said "No, thank you, but shalom"


I voted YDI, because OP should be proud of how she looks AND that she's wearing the Star of David. There's nothing to FHL. Any other person could've spotted her wearing the Star and commented/complimented her on that. That neo-Nazi can go ..... [fill in the blank].

You do realize that he spoken that he would practically commit hate crimes against jews like the op. Plus the guy might be COO-KOO enough to follow the op, get some of his buddies and outright kill her. I'm sorry, but showing your heritage to a guy who "proudly" supports Hitlers view and ideas is not a good idea...

You do realize that guy just spoken that he outright hates jews and "abominations". For all we know, the guy coud have been COO-KOO enough to follow the op, grap some of his buddies and kill her. I'm sorry, I'm hispanic and deeply terrified of these people, it's well not worth the risk...

Why would any other person comment/compliment someone wearing a star of David? Seems like something most people passing by would even take notice of.

Do you realize she could have been killed? That is like me (who is african american) walking into a kkk meeting.

The_creator_fml 2

How could he nazi the necklace?

I ran out of thumbs. I'll give you two toes up as well.

CatEyes66 0

I actually laughed out loud for once......and not just lol'd, which is lying because I never really do it.

juturnaamo 29

Me too! I think it was funnier because it took me a second.

Magnificent_Fart 1

Wow... I've been there I'm not Jewish But anyone who has a giant swastika tatto'd on their chest is scary And the giant one of hitler on his Back was just as frightening I feel ya op, I feel ya

jarredsj26 7

I'm Jewish. You're awesome. Lmao

fthislyfe 22

What's the point of being a Nazi anyway? Why don't people just forget about it?

slushpup9696 12

Because they're Nazis; obviously logic is not their best department.

I imagine sone kind of leather disco nazi, whenever I hear Neo-Nazi, Damnit

wriptidez 0

oh man im sorry thats terrible

People saying you should have whipped it out are not thinking. You saying nothing is the best thing you could have done. You don't know what the neo-nazi pink was capable of. Being safe is best bet. They'll get theirs one day.

F his life for being a tool, let alone a Nazi

rothus66 7

It's a good they didn't see it if they did they would of probably attacked you or something worse.