By sarah - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I went to the store to pick up some tampons. After waiting in line for about 10 minutes, the male cashier looked at me as I was leaving and said, "Have a nice… week!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 422
You deserved it 5 239

Same thing different taste

Top comments


He was just being polite. If he said it with a troll face then what a douche.

bigAC 6

at least he used proper English and ended his sentence with a *period* OOOOHHH YEEAHHHH

Sorry,I was under the impression he used an EXCLAMATION MARK! But your comment was still pretty funny.

Darklord53 0

Menstral cycle jokes aren't funny...period

Anai08 17

XD That was just a silly comment 17. Had to give it a thumbs up.

slushpup9696 12

You say that like you had the choice to decide your gender and after thinking, decided you didn't want to have cashiers say, "Have a nice... week."

crazychick1269 7

87, maybe he's referring to the sarcasm part?

He wished and he wished until one beautiful spring morning little Johnny finally grew a penis.

somerandomdude19 2

He was not being rude that is actually pretty polite

You should see the looks I get when I buy tampons. I'm a guy.

jayyw5 3

You stick them up your nose don't you.

An ingredient for his Wonka Candy,Absorbs the bad flavor..and Oompa loompa blood...

Uhm..Double posted..I'm cool enough to edit it out before getting trolled.

...Looks at commencers picture.That is willy Wonka...Looks at my comment. So where did I go wrong? :-(

Well,He puts random stuff in his candy anyway... And with the Oompa loompa thing,I wasn't implying them as being used BY them,I was aiming more toward their blood being in the candy,because they are worked like slaves you know. I thought it was pretty unacceptable to put metal watches and shoes in candy myself...