
By Facebook - 13/06/2009 16:11 - United States

Today, I logged into Facebook for the first time in a month. I had only 3 new notifications, that were to tell me that the poker application I used on there "missed me" and wanted to give me 10,000 free chips. My poker app talks to me more than my friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 636
You deserved it 6 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is it possible that your friends know you don't go on Facebook much, and decided it wasn't worth writing on your wall because you'd never get back to them?

SasuNaru_fml 0

Facebook is stupid. What happened to "going out"? Seriously, ditch that and go out for real. But yeah FYL


To be fair, if you never use your Facebook, your friends probably know that and won't try to talk with you through Facebook. Do you talk to them often in real life, via phone, email or other means? If so, YDI for expecting shit on facebook. If not, FYL for not having a life.

Don't take it so hard maybe your friends know you don't get on Facebook often.

manoverboard 0

Look on the brightside - 10,000 free chips! Your friends'll all be jealous once you tell them that. Oh, wait...you don't seem to have any...

UHM- You weren't there for a month. Why should you expect other people to keep up with it?

loserloser 0

Aaaaww. I had 17 new ones from just from overnight. You're life is definitely f'ed. :(

whoa you have no life if you have to brag to Fml, I mean really, we don't care...

lucey15 0

umm, just so you know, people wont message you if they dont believe you will respond, so if your off it for a month of course noone will send you anything

Colby_Colbert 0

Instead of facebook try getting a girlfriend

Sounds like you base your life on facebook a lot hahah

freddie_fml 0

This is completely lame. Why would you expect people to talk to you on FB if you never log in? Your friends might as well shout out the windows of their houses and hope you can hear them from there. Also, FB notifications are annoying as hell. Consider yourself lucky you only had 3.