
By Facebook - 13/06/2009 16:11 - United States

Today, I logged into Facebook for the first time in a month. I had only 3 new notifications, that were to tell me that the poker application I used on there "missed me" and wanted to give me 10,000 free chips. My poker app talks to me more than my friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 636
You deserved it 6 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is it possible that your friends know you don't go on Facebook much, and decided it wasn't worth writing on your wall because you'd never get back to them?

SasuNaru_fml 0

Facebook is stupid. What happened to "going out"? Seriously, ditch that and go out for real. But yeah FYL


Well, if everyone on facebook was like you and only logged in once a month, nobody would have any comments to look forward too would they? You have to actually use the site to get comments. You don't get something for nothing.

Nomad609 0

DUH! how do you expect a lot of notifications when you don't really sign in that often? Your friends probably think you dont use it anymore thats why they dont post on your wall, etc. I say YDI.

#5 & #13 took the words right out of my mouth...

i soooooooooooooooo understand u.i've lived things like this so much.welcome to the club.our life really is F*****

Epinephrine_fml 0

Same here, happens to me everyday.

ziqi92 0

i get three everyday at least. record maximum of 26 in one day. and thats bcuz unlike u, i communicate with my friends

xtremelifter 0

might help if you send them something first rather than expect them to talk to you first

31, not everyone is in middle school and lives for social networking sites, many adults are getting facebooks these days, such as my 50 year old parents, 80 year old grandmother and 3 aunts between those 2 ages. these people rarely use these things.. OP, if you expect anything, you gotta give a little...initiate a conversation with someone or somethin