Power in Christ

By Sinnersinner - 21/09/2014 11:27 - United States - Ontario

Today, I was having sex with this amazingly hot guy. Things got pretty intense, and right as I was about to orgasm, the gold crucifix came flying off his necklace and sliced my eyelid open. Message received. Well played, God. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 055
You deserved it 7 621

Same thing different taste

Top comments

were u screaming Oh God. he heard you and responded.

"I want to **** you like an animal I want to feel you from the inside I want to **** you like an animal My whole existence is flawed You get me closer to GOD"


And on the 8th day, God said: "All this creation business is hard work; time to sit back and **** about with it a little." And he saw that it was good.

Damn you guys must have been really going at it!!

I predict the comments will be closed soon... cue the athiests

rocker_chick23 27

I am an atheist and I haven't said anything offensive.

Who said anything about offensive? I'm just saying there will be an inevitable dispute about religion, usually headed by the atheists.

Thank God it didn't nail you in the Eye!

Who has sex with a necklace like this one ? It's weird.

God just wanted to get in on the action.

No one ever said sex before marriage nor any type of sex was sinful... only Christians made that rule up.

Apparently you've never read the book of Exodus. The Jews had that rule long before Christians even existed.

In the olden days they didn't have weddings. who ever you had sex with was your spouse forever more.. In the cavemen days and after that is how it worked.. females were only allowed to have sex with the one male that claimed them... thousands of years after that is when they started to have weddings. so since the beginning of human kind you've only supposed to have sex with one person. ever.

Well if we are gonna get technical, God conducted the first wedding with Adam and Eve. The bible doesnt mention how it took place because that was not necessary information, and this is backed up by the fact that He told them to become many, and that the man would leave his parents and join his new wife, referring to humanity in general. There werent weddings in ancient times as far back as these because humans did not have governments.

It wasn't God! It was a deceased relative standing by the bed telling you that you are not the girl for him. Well you never know!!!!