Prank gone wrong

By Anonymous - 27/02/2023 18:00

Today, my prank-loving girlfriend pushed hot sauce up my penis hole with her tongue by pretending she was going to give me oral sex. It’s been an hour of burning, it’s worse when I pee, and I think I may need a hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 898
You deserved it 257

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would break up with her, go to the hospital, present her the bill, when she refuses to,pay, sue her in court.

It’s only a prank if everyone can laugh about it afterwards. Damned if I know what this is


It’s only a prank if everyone can laugh about it afterwards. Damned if I know what this is

Battousai124 8

Hmmmmm... Hhhhmmmmmm... Ass... Assault?!!!!!!!!!

Turnabout is fair play, OP. That's all I'm saying.

Warning for the people who think about doing this type of prank. The skin of the ****** is different then that of the penis and peppers can cause actual burn wounds, like chemical type burn wounds on a ******. Your upper skin basically works like a barrier from it's burn, the penis has such skin, and a ****** doesn't have that. It's not the same burn as eating it.

rudico67 8

Did you not read the FML? It went into the hole. I don't think the skin of that part is made for this.

The urethra is NOT the epidermis as you are describing. Here the sauce was forced inside the body where there is no such epidermal protection.

Did you not read the original, where a chemical was forced into a man's urethra causing agonizing pain? My snarky reply wasn't serious at any rate, but your sexist one apparently was. Neither behavior is okay!

The inside of the male eurethra has skin that protects it from chemical burns? Really?

mcsmee 7

The "penis hole" doesn't have that tougher skin that you refer to. If you re-read the original post, you'll see that she forced the hot sauce through the "penis hole" and into the urethra.

except she got it in the urethra so he is in the same pain she would be in. the was screwed up what she did and he should break up with her.

I would break up with her, go to the hospital, present her the bill, when she refuses to,pay, sue her in court.

Think carefully, do you want to break up with her. If she does harmful things like this often, it’s a no brainer - you drop her immediately. If this is not the norm for her, then I’d give her another chance if she is genuinely sorry she did this… While it’s tempting to return the “favor” to her (hot sauce in a sensitive place) if you do that, the chances are it will eventually lead to the end of the relationship when the “pranks” get worse and worse. Remember that while we might presume GF had no idea of how painful her “prank” was, now you know and if you do the equivalent to her you aren’t going to be able to say you didn’t know how painful it was. That will result in either escalation of the “pranks” or a breakup.

rudico67 8

That's not a prank, that's abuse. Dump her, because obviously she doesn't respect you, and it's not funny

Ditch the bitch. That's not a prank that's assault.

Yep, assault and abuse under the guise of a "prank". She knew what putting hot sauce up there would do. File charges I'd say, and find someone else.

Drink a lot of milk while you break up with her

tiptoppc 19

Next time she drinks a glass of milk, rip it away from her and drop your dick into it. Claim you are cooling down the old injury she gave you. Insist she drink rest of milk so it’s not wasted. Even better if you avoid washing that area for a week or two on purpose to make it really nasty. Goat cheese nasty…