
By dontevenassk - 12/06/2009 04:44 - Canada

Today, my friends decided it would be funny to scare me by tilting the portable street toilets while I was taking a dump in one of them. One of my friends accidentally rocked it too hard and it fell on the floor. They wouldn't even let me sit in the car after because I had shit all over me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 165
You deserved it 3 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's so ******* vile--I don't even know what I'd do. Probably jump in the nearest lake.


fxdxhk90 0

go to their houses, and just roll around on all of their beds/couches

I agree w/ #6. Some friends. Ditch them. That is just disgusting of them.

Rob731 0

Tipping porta-Potties is pretty fun.....I couldnt see doing it when a person is inside one....that sucks man FYL

nice should work on that issue

Wow that sucks for you. You should have hugged them and make them smell like shit too.

HBubble 3

Don't sound like friends to me

FrankieTheNimrod 0

That's why you go potty before you leave to go anywhere. Porta-potties are the grossest things ever.

sick. thats why i never use a portapotty. here was have so many Tim Hortons and Mcdonalds that we can stop every few mins. next time use an actual bathroom.