
By Tai - 31/10/2010 13:30 - Australia

Today, I was having sex with my girlfriend when I came. She got pissed and slapped me really hard for coming inside her because she didn't want to get pregnant. 1. I was wearing a condom. 2. She's on the pill. 3. We were having anal sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 575
You deserved it 9 940

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

You're going to have shitty kids.

Paramorefan2 1

wow. that sucks. she's stupid.


ArthursLifeSucks 2

OP, you have a dumb little bitch right there. Keep on banging her in the booty. And for all you anal-haters out there, the hole is nice and tight, and your willy comes out clean when you're done. It's not gross at all.

ArthursLifeSucks 2

I almost forgot, you make SURE that stupid bitch is taking her birth control pill every day. Don't trust her, she'd be the type to pregnancy-trap you.

tmmundy 17

well if u think it is ok to screw a girl in the ass, u are so wrong!!! it may be tight, but she has no idea what damage u are doing to her, but she will!!!!! sooner or later her ass will be stretched out and she will shit herself, and then her so called bf will just move on to his next victim....lmao!!!! kids, they will never learn.

one minor flaw in your argument there, applying your logic, after a woman gives birth, you would be suggesting that the vaginal muscles never contract again..... same thing with the sphincter... these muscles do stretch, but they also contract again afterwards.... let's face it, if they didn't, once you crapped the first time, your ass would forever be open, wouldn't it?

1. Condoms suck. 2. Condoms especially suck if you're having anal sex and 3. There really isn't much point to wearing one then, unless you're afraid your partner's gonna give you a disease. And to that I say "Why would you sleep with them in the first place?"

hahahaha funny man I'm sorry. my girls the same way

ask her where babies come from, maybe she'll realize she's retarded

blonde or not she sounds like she's a pretty oblivious girl and very dumb

....why the hell were you even having anal sex anyway? shes a chick, not a dude.

she was on a pill.. yup the pill messed her up my guess