
By Tai - 31/10/2010 13:30 - Australia

Today, I was having sex with my girlfriend when I came. She got pissed and slapped me really hard for coming inside her because she didn't want to get pregnant. 1. I was wearing a condom. 2. She's on the pill. 3. We were having anal sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 575
You deserved it 9 940

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

You're going to have shitty kids.

Paramorefan2 1

wow. that sucks. she's stupid.


DuckFlu 0

epic fail for ur girl friend!

tobinator97 2

So am I to understand you participated in a reverse donkey punch?

YDI for banging a mentally retarded chick. Seriously, dude, that's, like, illegal.

Griggy 0

Wow... I bet you didn't even have to try very hard to get her in bed...

In all seriousness, though, that really says something about the quality of the sex ed where you are. I don't know about Australia, but in the US, they don't even teach us about condoms in health. There's a chapter in the health book about STDs, and the only method of prevention mentioned is "don't have sex".

#173, unlike the US, Australian education is NOT controlled by conservative religious idiots who teach abstinence instead of proper health education. Every kid in normal Australian schools learns sex education and about condoms as early as primary school. She probably just didn't pay any attention.

spartan_girl 0

actually, in some schools in the US, they do have comprehensive sex ed. My school did, and while the overwhelming message was "just don't have sex until you're married/ready to have babies, here look at some STD pictures to scare you more", they did teach us about the effectiveness of various contraceptives. Our sex ed teacher showed us how to put a condom on a banana (really, I didn't just get that out of a TV show or something), and showed us spermicide, female condoms, diaphragms, etc. That being said, if your parents didn't want you to take the class, you didn't have to. But at least they tried to make the information available.

boatkicker 4

@173 your school apparently doesn't teach you about the education system either. If it did, you would realize "in the US" most of the curriculum isn't national. While your school apparently has a shitty sex-ed program, that doesn't reflect the programs of the entire country. It's decided on a state or district level.

well not having sex isn't the only way to prevent pregnancy and transferring of STI's but it is the most effective way...

what a dumb bitch. you shoulda screwed some sense into her instead. I hate dumb people.

yeah why didn't he tie a lil Webster dictionary to his penis & tell her when he blows his load it'll fly off & educate her..but that wouldn't be enough clearly! this chick should NOT ever walk out of her house without a helmet!!

Win to the guy for dating a chick whose down for anal!! its like the smelly ****** that cant cause pregnancy... Chicks should do anal more often

It could have been worse...She could have been giving you head...

Slap her back for being such an idiot.