
By Tai - 31/10/2010 13:30 - Australia

Today, I was having sex with my girlfriend when I came. She got pissed and slapped me really hard for coming inside her because she didn't want to get pregnant. 1. I was wearing a condom. 2. She's on the pill. 3. We were having anal sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 575
You deserved it 9 940

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

You're going to have shitty kids.

Paramorefan2 1

wow. that sucks. she's stupid.


this isn't that bad. 1. girls' intelligence is overrated. all they should do is cook, clean, and be there to have sex with. 2. if ever you get bored of her, she's not that smart, so an affair would be pretty easy to get away with. 3. some of my bros are obsessed with anal (haven't tried it myself, but that's b/c Im someone who cant even imagine a girl pooping) so if youre one of those guys and your gf does anal, you're a lucky man. (first two points are obvious jokes, don't hate)

silvrdragn13 8

so what ur saying is shes the dumbest bitch alive?

wow fail! btw, for those people who say you can get a woman pregnant even with anal... no. if anything, your knowledge is on par with OP's girl.

it is not physically possible. unless the sperm goes into the ******, IT IS NOT POSSIBLE!

Hilarious and utterly disgusting and stupid all @ the same time. Amazing she can't tell which hole is which and the fact that not all babies are brown and are born in a toilet.

she can still get pregnant look that shit up

skeettt 0

I said what what... in the butt.

haha your fault for having a dumb girlfriend. :P