
By QuicksilverMaximoff - 30/01/2011 14:46 - United Kingdom

Today, I was rudely stopped in the park by a woman screaming at me for being a slut for having a baby so young. She got so worked up that she started swearing. Not only was I just babysitting for a friend, I am unable to get the toddler to stop swearing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 982
You deserved it 3 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ash14 0

wow she needs to be more worried about how bitchy she's being, instead of how "slutty" you are.

Wow, what a rude bitch. But why didn't you interrupt her OP?


I hate when people are so judgy and have no manners

doglover100 28

She needs to mind her business.

How is having a child at a young age "being a ****"?

Yell at her to mind her own business.

I would have smacked her in her pudgy bitch face.

I don't understand people like this. Don't they understand that they are hurting the child as well when they "call out" their mothers for being too young and slutty or whatever? I mean even if their mom IS a ****, yelling at her does not help the fact that she is a mom with an innocent child in tow and you are traumatizing them.

lunaforever21 14

why does it matter to her anyway. its your life not hers. even if you did have the baby