Puppy training

By doggone - 05/05/2012 23:07 - United States - King Of Prussia

Today, I walked in on my new puppy peeing on the carpet. The trainer had told me to punish her when she's bad by shaking a metal can of pennies at her, since the noise scares dogs. I shook it at her, and she responded by having explosive diarrhea all over the carpet in fright. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 998
You deserved it 34 940

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It seems you've literately scared the shit out of your dog

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Isn't that what Lois does to Brian?


Your "trainer" is an idiot!! And usually puppies don't intend on messing on the floor, they literally can't hold it. You never shake a can I pennies at a puppy.. You can startle an adolescent but never a puppy. Besides a can of pennies is usually a better idea for cats not dogs. Try a spray bottle of water in the face. But ONLY when it's the DOG'S fault not yours. Meaning take him out more....

That poor puppy :( Who the hell tells a owner to shake pennies at a two month old dog, and maybe try to change his diet to something more easy on its stomach so you can fix that diarrhea problem :) good luck ;)

Your trainer is an idiot. The only thing that will teach your puppy is not to go inside while you're in view.

Such asshole is a puppy it take time to train I dog and I tell u this cuz I have a year old dog witch is like another year been puppy

KingCeltic77 18

We used to do it to my dog, then she started to like it.

The worst is when they have that in the back seat with you while on a road trip... Poop EVERYWHERE including on me-_-

KiddNYC1O 20

Dogs are scared of farts!

Don't punish the puppy for peeing in the house. Just take him outside and say "hurry up". We he goes, praise hi It might a few times be he will figure it put. Dogs just want to please Their owners.