Quick Stop

By poopy pants - 08/04/2013 01:47 - United States - Minneapolis

Today, I was driving home from a friend's house after a night of partying. Suddenly, I had to poop worse than I ever had to in my entire life. The pain was so bad I had to pull over and pretend to be checking my tires while I let out the entire contents of my bowels onto the road. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 376
You deserved it 8 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I keep re reading this fml and don't understand why I can't find the words " Taco and Bell" anywhere within it.

If you gotta go...better the side of the road than on your interior, right?


Wow. I hope you didn't just hop back in & ruin your car seat. Better out than in.

Coyotay_Yelnats 4

It didn't say if you wiped or not...

Perhaps he attempted to be Bear Grylls and wipe with a leaf. I just hope Original Poster did not need to urinate.

.. Could you not have pulled into some woods or something?! I mean, on the road? Yuck.

Your profile picture just fits this situation so perfectly.

When a puppy does it its all "oh, how cuuuute" when a guy in need does it, we hang the bastard....come on people, it was an emergency!

People clean up after their dogs (or should) I very much doubt this person did.

beej821410 6

I've never thought a puppy taking a shit was cute nor any animal. Seriously, what kind of people do you hangout with?

martin_martian7 11

Nobody thinks it's cute when puppies poop. Well I don't

BlueFlatts 20

Does the same rule apply to humans as it does with dogs?

MzZombicidal 36

Be glad a police officer or a bystander didn't stop to ask what was going on. How awkward.

Do you really think people are stupid enough to think you were checking your tyres.. I mean really, you have your pants down and you're pooing, that's kind of noticable imo.

What? What if this happened in the night? Unless you were there, lighting up Original Poster while watching intently, I don't think you'd notice. Because I doubt you can notice in night, speeding by in a vehicle going 40MPH...Also. What in the world is "imo"?

well we don't know if op is male or female. op could've been a woman (or man) in a skirt. in that case all they had to do is lift and shift.

perdix 29

So, what did you do with your tire pressure gauge? On second thought, I don't want to know. I withdraw the question.

Xatraris 38

I have Chron's disease and it makes me get that same feeling all the time. I've done what OP did and even with nobody around it's embarrassing. At least it's all over for you. And the road.

Coeliacchic93 21

I'm suspected to have chrons and it definitely ain't pretty, lucky for me I'm mostly at home these days due to illness so I can avoid that from happening.

I don't think this is the same as Crohns, but I have a friend who abused laxatives to the extreme when we were younger. Now, if she has to go, she can't "hold it" and she's been in this situation so many times and she's always horrified. People are being really insensitive and judgmental, in this case. FYL, OP. :/

If op was at a party someone could have slipped visine into his drink as a prank.. It has this affect on peoples bowels. Saw someone do this to the person they didn't like, no gusta.