Quote of the day

By lol - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I was making breakfast. My microwave door was already open, but I couldn't figure that out so I kept pressing the button. According to Einstein, I'm now insane. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 206
You deserved it 30 849

Top comments

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Insane? No. Total ****** idiot? Yes.


ranamile 0

Don't worry it took me 3 people to convince me that was the reason it wasn't turning on. It's happened 4 times

SheepShoop_fml 20

I know a lot of people who act similarly before they get their morning coffee.

fmlmaymay 0

No just mentally incapable to survive

knockout5993 0

If you are talking to Einstein, you probably insane.

I don't think insane best describes you...I was thinking more around the line like (fill in the blank here)____________

jnick020804 2

If you study quantum physics then it makes sense not only was your microwave open it was also on the other side of the universe at the same time