Rah rah rah

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I realised in the middle of my shift how useless my deodorant is in the stifling heatwave spreading through my country. It's no longer effective against my awful B.O., which is a problem because I'm a mascot, and my costume traps the smell inside like a portable toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 542
You deserved it 5 077

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't breathe through your nose and you won't be able to smell it at least. As for the others, I hope the costume allows you to remain anonymous...

If he breaths through his mouth he might just start tasting it instead. I know from experience...


try mitchum. I had the same problem as you and a construction buddy of mine told me about it. they all use it, and it stays in for 48 hours.

AimeeOreo 5

I could tell you were Aussie just by your use of the word 'stifling', but yeah this heat is bad enough, couldn't imagine having to deal with it in a costume. **** your life indeed.

spray it after every shift with vanilla fridge spray to kill germs and leave it smelling nice, and make sure the suit actually gets a good wash every now and then! i'm also working as a mascot this summer :)

This is just not cool..... Horrid actually..... Have you tried the first step of a Showering.?

Dude ... Deodorant is no replacement for showers ... Shower > Scrub arm pits thoroughly > Apply deodorant >REPEAT DAILY, not weekly or more likely bi-monthly if you can't stand your OWN odor...

ceo_boss 3

lol dont think he ever referred to not taking a shower and replacing it with deodorant.... Still trying to figure out why

Certain dry deodorant will close the pores in your armpits to prevent sweating and stop the B.O. Issue :)