Rah rah rah

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I realised in the middle of my shift how useless my deodorant is in the stifling heatwave spreading through my country. It's no longer effective against my awful B.O., which is a problem because I'm a mascot, and my costume traps the smell inside like a portable toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 542
You deserved it 5 077

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't breathe through your nose and you won't be able to smell it at least. As for the others, I hope the costume allows you to remain anonymous...

If he breaths through his mouth he might just start tasting it instead. I know from experience...


Use a natural deoderant to help you like squeezed lemon juice in a spray bottle and apply it to ur pits. The only drawback is that you would have to let it air dry. Try to find some home remedies onlineOP

B.O. Can still be prevented. You probably stink as it is

Really seals in the flavour, doesn't it?

Put coconut oil on ur pits, doubles as deodorant

sukdeepindra 3

I'm sorry but i have to do this-- *realized

Secret...strong enough for a man. But made for a woman. Try that.

I for one an impressed that your body odor smells like a potable toilet. Have you considered seeing a physician?

Luigi77 1

Shave your arm pits - about once month should help. The hair is keritinized protein, and that's what hold the smell/odor. Just be careful with a spray deodorant after you shave, as it contains alcohol.