Rah rah rah

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I realised in the middle of my shift how useless my deodorant is in the stifling heatwave spreading through my country. It's no longer effective against my awful B.O., which is a problem because I'm a mascot, and my costume traps the smell inside like a portable toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 542
You deserved it 5 077

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't breathe through your nose and you won't be able to smell it at least. As for the others, I hope the costume allows you to remain anonymous...

If he breaths through his mouth he might just start tasting it instead. I know from experience...


no good advice to give here,but have you tried those trees that ppl hang on their car mirrors?

Get better deodorant. I work in Florida(USA) and in the summer it's ridiculously hot and humid. Try some over the counter clinical strength. I promise even the right non-clincal strength stuff works for our fuzzy theme park friends in those hot summer months. It helps to apply it the night before and reapply in the morning.

It seems like your body is trying to tell you something. Change your diet, at least for the time being. Decrease intake of meat, processed fats and oils, and sugar, and increase intake of vegetables, fruit, and water. Your body will thank you, and your odor will be less offensive.

Causes for BO: Milk products, sugar, beans, eggs, onions and garlic. Fixes: leafy greens, fruit and tea. Some people just have BO but changing your diet will at least stop you from smelling like a toilet. If it is really bad look into supplements like chlorophyll. For your breath you can chew parsley. Ancient roman cure for bad breath.

I used to have the same problem then tried anti persperant now I smell amazing

I'm a mascot too and I have the same problem. Your not alone!

CharresBarkrey 15

You can buy clinical strength antiperspirants, give that a try. They just might help with your problem, OP. Good luck :)

Perhaps using clinical deodorant and wearing a heat gear under armour will help you out.

Get mitchem deodorant!! It's in Safeway or coles!! It's really good :)

I second that, Mitchum works wonders even for those that sweat a lot and it has an unscented variety.