Rah rah rah

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I realised in the middle of my shift how useless my deodorant is in the stifling heatwave spreading through my country. It's no longer effective against my awful B.O., which is a problem because I'm a mascot, and my costume traps the smell inside like a portable toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 542
You deserved it 5 077

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't breathe through your nose and you won't be able to smell it at least. As for the others, I hope the costume allows you to remain anonymous...

If he breaths through his mouth he might just start tasting it instead. I know from experience...


raelyn75 4

Use baby powder or corn starch on your pits and then use the deodorant over that.

Try some anti perspirant or some febreeze :)

It's funny how everyone posts suggestions to help when the moment has clearly passed

CharresBarkrey 15

But it's OP's job. Which means they will undoubtedly have to go through this situation over and over again. And body odor isn't a "one time thing," if you stink, you stink.

Try scrubbing your pits clean and using clinical strength roll on and then dusting your body wherever you sweat in talc / baby powder . It works . Over that you can use Spray on deo

May I suggest dry cleaning? Or breathing through a straw..

Air freshener in the hat? I dont know.. my best shot sorry :/

I take it you're an Aussie, it's stinking' hot in Melb