
By IBleedArbor - 16/02/2009 22:59 - United States

Today, my dad told me to take my stress out by getting a girlfriend. My mom laughed and said, "No that won't work, just go jack off in the shower again." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 312
You deserved it 5 029

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FunWriter20 0

Lol, that's hilarious and brutal. But maybe she wasn't being mean. Maybe she means girlfriends just add stress, because you'd have to get brave and ask one out, figure out nice dates and whatnot.


yo kid ur prolly a fag that gets nothing go in the shower and keep jerkin it

Nothing better than parrents lowering your self-esteem... I have girlfriend but sometimes it just feels better to do "it" myself, you know

marris 0

Your fault - if you jack off in the shower you should clean it up so your mom doesn't have too

MetalCraze 11

this isn't a parental insult his mom is just saying ************ is ok and less stressful than a relationship and to the guy who said she was a bitch your a moron i think she is great

That made me gasp mostly cause i ********** in the showr also :P hahaha thx that made me laugh :)