
By bruised - 15/08/2015 15:47 - United States - Jacksonville Beach

Today, I had to fire an employee due to his staggering incompetence. The moment I said the F-word, he started fake-coughing, then loudly humming, then went to his desk and pretended not to hear anything I was saying. It took 3 of us to drag him out of the building kicking and screaming. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 147
You deserved it 1 961

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Took me longer than it should have to realize the "f" word was "fired".

This is why I don't want a management position later in life.


Smartest move would have been to call the police if they refused to leave. You'd be amazed how many selectively deaf assholes have the ears of a master hunter when a cop is telling them it's time to go.

... and now he's going to sue you and your two co-workers for common assault. You see you had no legal right to physically manhandle him out of the building. And on the back of that he'll sue you for back pains he's had, saying that his screaming indicated he was in great pain. You didn't place him under citizen's arrest, you just laid hands on him. You didn't call the police. Next time take legal advice before laying hands on someone. If this person has even half a brain they'll sue you for every cent you're worth. Somehow I am finding it difficult to conclude that there is only one person in this situation who may not deserve their job.

You are allowed to remove dangerous insane trespassers without getting cops involved. People like you are the reason for the sue happy nonsense and taking cops' time away from real crimes.

tantanpanda 26

In your last paragraph, if you're insinuating that OP doesn't deserve his job just because he fired someone like that, you're an idiot and an asshole. Refusal to leave private property can lead to forced removal. To act that childish when told of his termination is ridiculous. UNLESS you find that NORMAL, then he is the only one who deserved to be fired.

Florida Statutes - Chapter 776 - Justifiable use of force ... no mention of forcibly removing someone from a business when they pose no immediate risk to anyone. There is no provision justifying force under these circumstances. Some here may dislike my reply, but you really need to learn how to obey the law. And yes, this means the OP may be liable to arrest and prosecution. Which would make them pretty incompetent since the person was just humming and posed no risk - they should have just called the police.

You're so wrong here. If an employer fires an employee, the fired employee must leave (in most work places anyway). If he/she doesn't, they do have the right to physically remove him/her. Especially if said person is acting like a 3 year old asshole.

What actions did you put in place to help the employee get up to speed ?

koganti 18

I could make up some joke about firetrucks and his childhood being terrible but I'll save you the trouble and just say,"well, looks like another day at the office."

Had to read it twice to understand th 'F' was fired!

How did he think this was going to work

you do realize that once you told him he was fired and he wouldn't leave you could have told him he is not allowed on the property and if he still didn't leave you can call the police and have him arrested for trespassing

you should've just let him be and tell him that you didn't mean it and everything was fine. The next day, however, make sure security does not allow him anywhere near to the building.

Should've let him stay, just stop giving him a check. :)