Roaming gangs

By 23yearoldtoddler - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was jumped and savagely beaten to the ground by a group of six-year-olds wearing Disney princess masks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 016
You deserved it 6 781

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shift_love 13

You should have offered them a poison apple or something and plays the part of the haggard villain


Ydi if you got beat up by 6 year olds

herbert: "i hope you dont find my money strapped to my thigh!"

Hiphuray4peas 27

I'm a little curious as to the gender of the 6 year olds..... kinda cool idea with the masks!

And in other news, today someone was beaten by a gang of six year old princesses. If you know the whereabouts of this group please call 111-111-111. They are armed and dangerous. Do not approach!

kaymi 17

Reminds me of the cartoon RECESS, where the kindergarten kids were savages terrorizing whoever fell in their path.

This is where you move. Far FAR away.

gmaxwell1 2
ZombieMaiden 2