
By Anonymous - 05/03/2010 12:54 - United States

Today, my girlfriend blew up at me for a comment I had made several weeks ago about not wanting kids. Then, she told me that she's pregnant. After consoling her and telling her that whatever we do, we'll do it together, she further explained that she's not sure if it's mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 713
You deserved it 3 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you just found your out.... Run!

nibawan 0

did you drive her to the hospital after you pushed her down the stairs?


ouch man.... sorry she was drunk and i hadnt gotten any and like 3 days... it didnt mean anything though i swear!

that suxxx... dump her for cheating on you

heyarnold69 0

add a second post. went on Maury and found out my best friend is the father, fml

vansbabe66 0

**** her that's just wrong. and make sure to find out if it's yours or not and if it is don't stay with her! PEOPLE DONT CHANGE, THEY JUST FIND NEW WAYS TO LIE TO YOU!!!!!!!!

vansbabe66 0


boatkicker 4

It's decision time, OP. Do you want to stay with her, after this mess? If so, I'd actually advise against getting a DNA test, and if you're going to be raising it anyways, what does it matter? If you aren't going to stay with her, then definitely get the DNA test. If its your kid, obviously you need to take care of it, but if its not, then you can get that burden taken off your shoulders.

dudeitsdanny 9

If youre a guy.. I'm embarrassed to share a gender with you. I'd say "sex", but you have no balls

dudeitsdanny 9

Oops, supposed to be a reply to thee post below. My bad

dynky 3

If she's going ahead with the pregnancy, leave her. No matter how awesome this girl is, she's not worth all the sleepless nights and the giving up of the next 20 years of your life to become a father to a kid you never even wanted.

aww. you're such a good boyfriend. DUMP HER ASS!!