Run faster

By Noname - 15/03/2009 19:32 - United States

Today, I went for a jog in my neighborhood. While I was running I passed my girlfriend's parents who were out for a walk. Trying to make a good impression, I stopped to talk. When I got home I realized I was wearing a shirt that friends gave me as a joke. It said "Blow me, bitch. It's my b-day." FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 171
You deserved it 79 280

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wearing that shirt in public is just *asking* for a FML to happen. That's a total "you deserve that one", dude. Nice.

Oh man... that's why I could never get myself to actually wear shirts like that, out of fear for situations like that happening to me


That's why you don't actually wear those types of shirt OUT. You never know who you'll run into. Wear it inside the house.

#19: Even if one doesn't hear "misogynistic" commonly, it's easy enough to derive the meaning from roots ("mis-", "gyn-") and context. OP: "I agree, your life is ******." You didn't know that you'd see your girlfriend's parents during the jog, so this little "blunder" is understandable. However, that shirt just isn't really that funny, it's just meh.

greatnt249 0

#19, I'm assuming that if you really didn't know the meaning of a word, you could look it up in about 5 seconds on After all, if you're reading FMLs, you're obviously on the Internet already. You're about the only person I know who gets offended that someone gave them the benefit of the doubt for being smart. My point is exactly how #20 stated it; give people the benefit of the doubt instead of patronizing them.

trimclay 0

who goes for a jog in a shirt like that?

kellster 2

Who actually wears a stupid shirt like that?? You asked for that one!

youre an asshole just for wearing that shirt in public.

why would you ever wear a shirt like that in public? first graders can read too, you know

soonerfan 0

damn man that sucks. Though the first time I met my gf's parents I was wearing a shirt that said Beware of My Weiner... it had a weiner dog on it though, and no one can get mad with a dog on a shirt. Hope you didn't lose her over it

paperplanes92 0

and then u found 100 dollars..