
By Anonymous - 19/01/2023 16:00

Today, I’m realising that at some point I should have just settled for the guys who were there, instead of waiting for the fantasy perfect guy. All my exes are happily married with grown kids, whereas I’m in my 50’s, never married, no kids or grandkids, and will probably die alone with my cat eating my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 446
You deserved it 1 186

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maybe ease up on that three mile long list of requirements no one will ever meet, realise there is nevera perfect one and all relationships require a mature level of compromise to work.

Even if you somehow found the perfect guy, the relationship still would take hard work and effort. All relationships do. That said, it’s never too late to turn things around.


Sounds like some incel wrote this because he is bitter about not having a girlfriend

It's always kind of annoying to see people fret about being alone because they didn't marry or procreate. Get into your community. Make friends. Go to events that interest you. Volunteer somewhere if you can. Family is not the goal of life for everyone or the end all be all of having lived a good life. Make friends, make moments. Laugh loudly. Love fiercely.

Blobby McGee 5

settle? No. You'd never be happy, and you would likely cheat or just leave. What needs to happen is that more women like yourself need to learn, at a young age, that you're not special, and you don't "deserve" anything special in life. Humility would have taken you so much further than pride did. You always thought you deserved a "better" man, and most men can pick up on that inflated ego. The "marrying men" that you now want do not want a woman who thinks she is entitled to the best of the best. A man wants to know that his wife is humble, and grateful to be married to a good man, just as the man is happy and grateful to be married to a good woman. If you want to make a difference in the world, help educate the younger generations of the folly of the feminist, entitlement worldview, and teach young women to embrace their God-given role as mothers and homemakers. What a task to be charged with: the raising of the next generation of humans. I know, I know, that's not as fulfilling as wearing a powersuit to a business meeting, right?

Dude, the 1950s called and want you back home. It's 2023: a woman can aim for and achieve whatever she damn well wishes. She is not beholden to what anyone thinks she "should" do or be.