Save the doggo

By JC - 19/10/2009 06:40 - United States

Today, I was driving down the road when a dog suddenly ran across the street. In attempt to spare its life, I swerved to the side of the road and rear-ended another car. The car I hit belonged the family who owned the dog. Now I have to pay them because I saved their dog's life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 363
You deserved it 5 961

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know what they say, no good deed goes unpunished.

That's like the other day I swerved to avoid hitting a squirrel right as another squirrel ran under my tire. Except I didn't have to pay damages to the original squirrel.


I clicked ydi on accident ... I hate that. I meant fyl

da_funk_masta 0

you arent supposed to swerve or slam on your breaks. i guess you learned your lesson

Should have ran the dog over and then backed up

Never swerve to avoid an animal. Slam on your brakes and lay on the horn. If the animal is too stupid to move then, it's just natural selection at work and you shouldn't feel bad.

OnTheSaneSide 0

You mention "natural." Motor vehicles are not a "natural" source the dog would be used to avoiding, and maybe (unlike you) the OP has a shred of mercy and won't just shrug it off if they kill another family's beloved pet.

I was always taught never to swerve for an animal because it's far better to hit an animal than to accidentally hit a pedestrian, or someone in a parked car, by swerving. Not to mention swerving can result in your car being implanted in the side of a tree with you potentially injured or dead. You should only swerve if you're trying to save a person's life by doing so.

cxal_fml 0

You do realize that you could have only rear-ended another car on the OTHER side of the street, if you were driving down the wrong side of the road to begin with right.

you only have to yield the right of way to pedistrians dumb ass. anything else is going to be well you know.

Not trying to sound like a bitch, but you did hit their car. If someone hit my car to I would have them pay for it (if it was needed), As long as the the people weren't bitches about it (you saved their dog) just move on with life.

Next time hit the dog. Their INS company will pay the damages. At least you didn't swerve into incoming traffic. Swerving is a dumb ass move