
By FMLdude - 18/08/2013 23:23 - Australia - Bexley

Today, I accidentally hit an elderly man while driving. The police came, and five minutes later I was told that he confessed to walking in the middle of the road to get hit and claim compensation. He was fine, but I still got charged for hitting a pedestrian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 294
You deserved it 4 982

Same thing different taste


Onable 4

I feel like OP is a tool. How do you accidentally hit someone again?

CharresBarkrey 15

Are you kidding, 16? You make not one, but two ignorant comments that both prove you didn't even read the FML correctly. How do you survive day to day life? Where's Darwinism when you need it

seatitan 12

Considering you hit a pedestrian, yeah.

FYL. My neighborhood has many blind corners, so I always afraid someone is going to step in front of my car. Is there anyway to fight the charges?

That's just how it is though. Pedestrians always have the right of way even if they are doing something they really shouldn't, but you did not deserve that I'm sorry.

YDI, you still hit a guy with your car regardless of what he was doing. you and everyone else in the world needs to learn to drive defensively

CharresBarkrey 15

So I'm assuming that every time you're driving down a road at a decent speed and you see a pedestrian walking down the sidewalk, you slow down to almost nothing when you go by JUST in case they jump out in front of you? Because otherwise, you're a complete hypocrite and OP's situation COULD happen to you.

All it said was "walking in the middle of the road" which I took literally, so yes, if someone is walking about in the road I worry they're drunk or whatever and slow down. But obviously if an old sad insurance-claim-seeking man jumps in front of the car it's pretty unavoidable.

This could have happened at night in a poorly lit street, it's really hard to see people in some circumstances, especially if they are wearing dark clothing.

bfsd42 20

People, read the fml. There is nothing said about the old man jumping. He was also okay. So the fml gives me the impression that the old man didn't jump but was just strolling in the middle of the street. If that was the case and op was paying attention, he would not have hit the old man.

kitten1323 19

70, clearly YOU need to read the FML. It says right there that he purposely got in front of OP's car in order to get money.

Onable 4

How do you hit elderly, OP? he's walking? Huh? Do you have a license?

You hit a man with your car. I don't know about Australia, but in the US that's illegal even if he was walking in the middle of the road expressly to get hit. He's a douche, but you should be in control of your car while driving it.

150493x 29

That sucks OP. But just be relieved that he is okay. It could have been worse.

He's a houso mate!!! You should've thonged him for doing that...