
By FMLdude - 18/08/2013 23:23 - Australia - Bexley

Today, I accidentally hit an elderly man while driving. The police came, and five minutes later I was told that he confessed to walking in the middle of the road to get hit and claim compensation. He was fine, but I still got charged for hitting a pedestrian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 294
You deserved it 4 982

Same thing different taste


If he suddenly jumped out of somewhere, yes, there wouldn't be anything else to do. However, if there is a person in the middle of the road, you stop or drive very slowly - that's the only right thing to do. You do NOT have the right to hit someone with your car only because the person is in the middle of the road, even if he wanted to get hit.

Qwermy 16

to those calling the charge a "ticket", it's not. Hitting a pedestrian is aggravated vehicular assault in most jurisdictions. OP is fighting a felony charge.

rebellionwars 11

What the hell is with road and vehicle related fines in Australia, I've heard a few shocker stories from them, makes me reluctant to start driving.