
By dentallycorrect - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while I was casually sitting at a bar, a drunk biker with no teeth leaned over and tried to kiss me. I'm a sailor in the Navy, but I think I screamed like a little girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 679
You deserved it 5 493

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OMG!!!! Gross!! 'You sure do got a purdy mouth, boy.'

lolwtfwasthat 0


LilAngel606 5

well at least sometime they would forget it or tomorrow cuz they were drunk

TritonTheBeast 0
insanelyXnikki 18

Bahahah, you have every right to.

jynxpawzz 11

A sailor in Illinois? Yea. That's where they go to boot camp. All in all not that strange. Just sayin

madgrinchhatter 12

You've got the biker and the sailor, all you need is the Indian, the Policeman, and the Construction Worker

Don't worry, OP. that would make anybody scream

I think that was a perfectly acceptable reaction