
By dentallycorrect - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while I was casually sitting at a bar, a drunk biker with no teeth leaned over and tried to kiss me. I'm a sailor in the Navy, but I think I screamed like a little girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 679
You deserved it 5 493

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OMG!!!! Gross!! 'You sure do got a purdy mouth, boy.'

lolwtfwasthat 0


Popsiclese 0

your a sailor you should have liked it

orchestralslices 3

Lol. That's freaking hilarious. And sorry Op, but the Marines trump all.

chrisamagod 0

your navy so its ok you screamed like a girl its expected Sincerely SGT D (ARMY)

cocblkdbyfarmvil 0

Sailor or Marine still Department of the Navy, which makes you all queer. Go Army.

I think it's because you were in the navy that you screamed like a girl.

navy is pathetic they sit on a boat navy seals is the only branch of navy deserving of the army title

Who u have no respect do u??? With out them we wouldnt ever be able to win any war, plus those ships are important and their are alot more things they do besides seals and ships

Rajah723 0
ssoccerchick97 16