Self defence

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I went to my grandmother's house to pick up her cat to take him to the vet. She forgot who I was and sprayed me in the face with pepper spray. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 110
You deserved it 2 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Alzheimer's and pepper spray don't really mix well. FYL.

File an assault charge against her. She will never learn otherwise. :-P


number 5 your a moron file charges against your own grandmother who obviously has alzhimeimers you Jack ass

alexxss_fml 10

relaaaaaaax mang!!! he was kidding!!

YDI. Clay Aiken would have karate chopped your grandma and taught her a lesson.

On all the newest fmls you mentioned Clay Aiken. You obsessed with him?

Your grandmother should be in a nursing home. She clearly has alzhiemers and / or dementia. And she's dangerous. What if she had been using a pistol or a knife instead of pepper spray?

Next time you go to visit granny bring Chuck Norris with you. After the funeral, spend her money.

America, where everybody feels safe...

Well, that's pretty sad, really, but I don't think you're the one whose life is ******. Sounds like your Grandma is having a much tougher time. Sounds like she needs care, and that's not said mean-spiritedly

Oh. I bet that hurt. Good thing she didn't use her shotgun.