
By hamandegger - 04/02/2013 20:17 - United States - Raynham

Today, my friend asked me to fix his laptop for him because it is loaded with viruses. When I turned it on and started searching for the problem, I couldn't find it. Luckily I was able to find a video of him banging my girlfriend. We've been together for eight years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 782
You deserved it 4 516

Same thing different taste

Top comments


perdix 29

He forgot he had a sex video of your girlfriend? What does that say about her? Hint: Boooooorrrring!

At least you found out before you married her.

Maybe that was his way of coming out with it and admitting he has been banging your gf.

I think OP's friend already ****** a cheater..

10showgirl 16

I think OP shouldn't say anything about the video. He should tell his friend that he just got tested for HIV and it came out positive, so OP is breaking up with his girlfriend because he has been faithful and she must have cheated on him. Make the guy squirm for a couple of days.

"Facebook revenge for the scorned lover." Put a bullet in that laptop just like that guy did to his daughters. Then hit him with it. Then.. Dunno throw it on her maybe? She deserves it.

Show each the vid, separtately: "Honey, I found a vid you just have to see!" "Bro, I found this awesome vid. Here, look." Ask for an explanation. Strongly consider dumping both. And the laptop. Sorry you had to see this. Good luck.

Here's what you do, wipe the hard drive clean, remove it, keep it for yourself, then bop him with the shell that it now is, and don't you dare buy him a new one!

Definitely dump them both, but DON'T do anything to the laptop. While I agree it would be justified in our's not justified under the law. You would be guilty of theft or destruction of property (depending upon your actions) and thus financially responsible for repair/replacement AND (depending on where you are) have other legal repercussions. CHEATING however, while hurtful and recognized as grounds for divorce, is NOT illegal. Unfortunately, in the eyes of the law, they were perfectly within their rights. Sucks bad, I know. It's probably best if you move on from both of them peacefully. I won't suggest amicably.