Sexy time

By Jssceli09 - 18/12/2009 08:25 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were using our Skype accounts for the first time. He went to the restroom and I thought that I'd surprise him with my clothes off for when he came back. I heard him walk back into the room so I got into position. It wasn't him. It was his mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 652
You deserved it 25 000

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe your bf is really a woman and he went to the bathroom to change into his real identity.

Did she proceed to take her clothes off too?


CarterColbie 4

That's why being naked over web cam ALWAYS backfires.

So did she turn off the monitor or go for the Print Screen key?

razz27 0

oh man i got to check out this skype stuff lol

calibabe4real 0

why would you do that anyways? dumbass.

axelkg 0

are you retarded? too prude to say toilet? what the hell is the matter with you?

skype is amazing.... you are an idiot