Sexy time

By Anonymous - 05/08/2009 05:25 - United States

Today, a friend and I drove all the way from Texas to a small town in Colorado to spend an entire uninterrupted night together. Not only did he forget to bring condoms but everything was closed by the time we got into town. We ended up playing cards on the bed instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 449
You deserved it 46 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HuskyButt 0

I just wonder why someone wants sex with "a friend". And yeah, like #2 said, there ways to have fun without condoms.

diemoelol 0

Awww, haha. That's actually kind of sweet to me.


Polionixon 2

Right you could always pull out. Granted their are risks that he won't do it in time, but that's hot.

That reminded me of a similar scene in the movie "The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human."

Unregistered 0

just super glue your dick so no seamen can come out thats what i did and it did the job

dude, this can have serious repercussions. ask some people over 30 about this.... trust me that is REALLY bad

Okay, to the people who are suggesting oral or anal- seriously? You think just because these people forgot comdoms for one night they should do something that they're obviously uncomfortable with? I'm a guy and I would NEVER do anal. Y'all are crazy. Some people are more comfortable than others. You have no right to tell them what to do. By the same token, hand jobs are pretty low on the "gross" scale. So yeah. By the way, this discussion has been made: pulling out DOESN'T WORK and it isn't so "hot" to get pregnant, is it?

Polionixon 2

depends on who you are. And theirs always the morning after pill and yes this would be considered an emergency :P then again i'm pro choice!

Personally, I believe if you're uncomfortable with foreplay, you're probably not mature enough to be having full sex. And to the OP, I don't see the FML here; you could have jerked each other off and then spent the night playing cards! There are so, so many ways to enjoy yourselves without resorting to full penetration.

Polionixon 2

I want to know how wouldn't it work you obviously know when your about to cum or on your way atleast. Just pull out when your to the "escalating point" and have her finish you off. I mean i've seen it done in porno's tons of times come on now :P Lol

Polionixon, precum has sperm in it. Meaning pregnancy is a possibility as soon as the penis touches the ******. Doesn't matter if you pull out or not, pregnancy is always a possibility when you're having sex. Even condoms are only like 99% effective. Don't you have sex ed at school? How old are you? Get educated, this shit is important. edit: haha, maricely beat me to it! High five for precum knowledge ;)

There's a difference between foreplay and things that you don't want to do with your body. It isn't not "mature" to not want a penis in your mouth/ass, it's simply a choice the person makes. Why is that immature?

That's not quite what I meant, and I agree with you there. No-one should do things they don't want to do.

Maybe people would listen to you if you didn't mention a "gross" scale. I'm echoing what someone else said - if they aren't comfortable with foreplay, then they probably shouldn't be having sex. While anal is NOT everyone's cup of tea, it seems bizarre that a couple would be entirely comfortable with something as intimate as intercourse, but find a hand job icky. Chfanfiction, you sound pretty immature. Or possibly Catholic. I'm guessing that you don't have a lot of experience, and that's fine. But you sounded like you were giving a bit of a moral lecture. And the fact that you have a gross scale? I'm still laughing.

First of all, I'm not very religious. Why does everyone assume that? What I meant was that there are certain acts which less and less people would do. I guess using "gross" wasn't the best terminology, but it's basically this: A lot of people won't do anal. Some people won't do oral. A lot of people will do hand jobs. So, what can we infer? There's something about the first two that makes less people want to do them- I guess it's more of a "comfort" issue. People are less comfortable with certain things and that's perfectly alright. Sorry about the "gross" thing, that wasn't really what I meant.

And I'm sure at least some girls would think the idea of putting a guy's big, sweaty dick in your moth gross. According to the internet, the reaction to that is "go figure."

Ladies and gentlemen, please don't take Chfanfiction seriously. He is a 15 years old. Like most 15-year-olds are and should be, he is a virgin. We don't know if he is a virgin by choice, or whether he is just can't get any, but he is virulently anti-sex. You can't blame him for a lack of experience, but his judgmental, self-righteous dogmatism is disgusting and he talks like a fanatic. I don't bother with him anymore. You'll probably be happier just ignoring him.

Polionixon 2

yea i forgot about that. and for 1 im not 12 i'm actually still a virgin by choice. So forgive me if i'm not really educated as much as you experienced people :P but really it was just a brain fart anyways. I was wrong blahblah my bad

More like 90% but I agree... ...however if you don't want get anyone pregnant ask her to take the pill. If it's about STDs use condoms (additionally!) or even better: get tested and make sure you're healthy. You don't exactly catch an STD out of the fresh air... Pulling out is just dumb...please, read a bit about that stuff before you try NOT to procreate.

Wait, so since I'm a virgin I don't know anything about something that can be gained by spending two seconds on a forum? I am NOT anti-sex. I'd be willing to do a lot of things later in life (not now). I AM anti-it-being-the-only-thing-anyone-ever-cares-about. As for plexico, well, have you seen his posts? He's a maniac! He thinks the only thing in life is sex and that it take precedence over everything else. Do whatever you want, I don't care anymore. All I'm saying is that some people aren't comfortable with doing certain things and that's perfectly alright. How am I immature for thinking there are people who aren't comfortable doing certain things?

bluedoll 1

Dogmatic dear? Have you looked up the terms you're using? The kid seems logical to me--- He basically said some people won't do certain things because they think it is "gross" or they're uncomfortable. I know men who won't do anal, I know women who won't perform oral sex, I know men who won't. So it isn't an issue. Leave the kid alone, he was just trying to offer a solution. That being said, OP, honey, I think we're missing part of this story. Texas to Colorado? Do you realize how far that is honey? And it was *just* for sex? Were you at a fetish club? I'm sure they have condoms there. Otherwise, why on Earth did you drive that far without making sure he had the goods since you obviously didn't have them yourself. And I wonder what kind of place you were at. Most places have 24hour gas stations, bars, etc. Why didn't you leave earlier since you *knew* it would take forever to get there? YDI my dear, YDI. I applaud you for using protection, I laugh at you for not thinking to bring it. Sorry

Thank you, bluedoll. Somebody who understands where I'm coming from.

bluedoll, I'm not just talking about this FML only, Chfanfiction states his opinions as if they are natural facts that cannot be contradicted. He speaks of sex with such ignorance that one is amazed by the reaction generated by such vapid drivel. Chfanfiction, you obviously don't read most of what I write. I deal with lots of different topics, a lot of which have nothing to do with sex. Evidently the topic is so unknown, unreal and terrifying to you that it is you, young man, who cannot comment on anything else.

Plexico, the only time I did that was when I stated that sex is not more important than a child's well being. Are you going to wave around something as obvious as THAT to try to refute me? To be honest, I think there's a lot of miscommunication happening here. In this case, what I'm saying is that a lot of people aren't comfortable with certain types of sex and you're not one to tell them that they shouldn't be. That doesn't exactly require a PhD to figure out.

Being a virgin doesn't make you "ignorant" about sex. It makes you a virgin. Just because you don't agree with me doesn't mean you get to go around telling people to discount my opinions. Lots of people agree with me as they do you.

bluedoll 1

I feel as if this has been going on between the two of you for a while and that I stepped in in the middle. Most people state their opinions as if they were fact, to be honest. The thing is that READERS should know that they are in fact opinion based on the medium. Yes, he may be young but have you ever read literary scholarship published in journals? A lot of ignorant people publish as if they are stating facts (I read one that said, "Baum 'Oz' can be discredited." Yes, the inventor of Oz knew nothing about the land. I had choice words for that author.) The point is that it is his opinion and he seems aware of that at this time, which discredits you. He is right that *some* people aren't comfortable with *certain* things so it isn't our place to tell OP "Ever heard of anal?" or "Ever heard of oral?" or "Just wank him off." While I see YOUR point, some people don't want to do certain things. And for those of you suggesting foreplay was the answer, I just want to ask this of you: How many of YOU would have been happy to stop there? I wouldn't have been....but I wouldn't have been without either.

Chfanfiction, what you are ignorant about is not necessarily the mechanics of sex but the complex emotions involved in it, and also how important is it an adult's life. One thing I hate about our modern world is how we rob children of their childhood. You are a 15-year-old getting neck-deep in adult conversations. You have only 3 years of childhood left -- you should be spending that time doing things that are appropriate for children. You will probably have at least 60 years of adulthood once you turn 18 and probably much more. You will have all the obligations and burdens of an adult, along with certain rights. You won't be able to do children's things without being embarrassing. It's not exactly insightful to point out that some people will be uncomfortable with some sex acts. Pretty much every adult knows what their limits are. I suggest that you follow your own advice and go out in nature, make friends, study and have fun until you are 18 and leave this cesspool of FMyLife until you become an adult.

sleepreader 0

Chfanfiction: you probabily haven't visited the comments section of FML very much before. It is filled with people who insult and declare their opinions and "facts" because they are hidden by an anonymous username (yes I know I have one too). After a while, you come to truly understand the rule "don't feed the troll." It never works (I mean talking back, not the rule) and all it does is frustrate you, infuriate the troll, and make us laugh at the entire conversation. Just drop the topic. Now, plexico: Don't get mad at me either (though I seriously doubt you'll ever even read my comment, I don't know) I'm not calling you a troll. I was just saying that it's stupid, pointless, and fruitless to get in an argument with a username over the internet. Same goes for you. What your saying makes sense, and even work with each other. Chfanfiction is saying is of the people (s)he knows or has heard from, the polling is thus. What you are saying that as a virgin, no matter how mature or educated you are, you will always be on the outside looking in. So, as a virgin, you (and the people around you) may have initial feeling about doing some things, but after you have sex and become comfortable with it, you may (or may not) be more comfortable with experimenting too.

sleepreader 0

Oh yeah,(sorry I know I've written a ton already) also, by "you" I didn't mean you specifically you, plexico. I was using that in place of "one". And I realize how pretentious my posts sound. Sorry. It always seems to come off a certain way on the Internet doesn't it?

I'm not mad at you, sleepreader. What you wrote was fine. Seriously, if you have never been in a sexual relationship, it is really impossible to know what you are and are not going to be comfortable with. It goes both ways, when I was a teenage virgin, there were certain things I though I would enjoy and, in reality, I now avoid. I like things I didn't think I would, too. Also, you cannot grasp the complicated feelings involved in such a relationship. You may be able to empathize, but it is really difficult until you've been there.

... I disagree. I've had sex, and I must say it's not rocket science. I didn't gain any "magical understanding," nor did I come to any kind of great revelations about who I am and how I relate to my partner, etc... But maybe I'm just an emotionless void.

So, you didn't find things that you thought were gross were OK? And vice versa? You didn't look at your boyfriend at all differently afterward? How would you have felt if he dumped you before you did it compared to after? No difference, really?

ruby437 0

That's what I was thinking, it seems way too far to drive for just one night. I can understand needing a hotel room when you have parents/roommates, but crossing any state lines just seems unnecessary. And, I'm a girl but if I know sex is happening I always bring a couple condoms just in case he forgets.

FallEnlightening 0

Plexico, why must you insist on being so incredibly condescending? I seriously doubt that Chfanfiction needed a "talking-to" on age and wisdom. Please! Save your "I've-had-sex-so-I-know-everything" crap for someone who wants to hear it. I can say that I had plenty of educated conversations about sex before I ever did away with the V-card. Just because someone might not have experienced something firsthand does NOT mean that he/she doesn't know what they're talking about. In addition, attacking someone who merely stated a harmless opinion is pretty pathetic... Even more so for trying to discredit them because they haven't had sex yet. Bluedoll and Sleepreader, thank you for being individuals who do not have to be biased to be helpful to a party in question. Lastly, why has no one brought up the idea that maybe the two friends wanted to have their "uninterrupted night" in a beautiful and romantic location? Colorado is not a cross-country roadtrip, you know. ;] (Though this is still a YDI for neither of you thinking to bring the protection.)

plexico: 75% of the time that i read something on this website that really irritates me, it comes from you. you are such a goddamn condescending bastard and you'll never fully realize it. it's so sad. chfanfiction: plexico is just another example of an old dude who thinks he knows everything because he's old. however, due to an inability to see anyone else's view, he will always appear less intelligent. this website is making it painfully more obvious how many of those there really are.

... no, not really. :/ I've always been kind of apathetic towards sex, not gonna lie. We had it, it felt pretty good... and then afterwards everything was the same. I wasn't even nervous before... I was way more nervous before I gave a *******, because that shit's all on me. Performance anxiety. But sex? Pft. NBD. Haha. I guess I really am a heartless bastard.

My point has been made, etc. etc. etc. I'm gone.

Well, if pulling out is unreliable it doesn't really work, does it?

Precum. Difficulty to control. Responsibility solely on man. General stupidity.

... I can't believe you're actually arguing over the efficacy of the pull-out method. Here's a chart to make this simple: For the linkaphobic: the pull-out method is effective about 70% of the time. Quite prone to error, often leads to pregnancy, and as far as I know is only used by retards who would rather get their partner pregnant than wear a ******* condom.

*irrelevant Also, this isn't just my opinion sweetheart. It is the LEAST effective method of birth control available, other than just ******* without any precaution whatsoever and then, I don't know, squatting and sneezing afterwards. Statistics from legit studies aren't just a "load of bullshit," no matter how much you might wish they were. With PERFECT use, (which is very, VERY RARE), the failure rate is still twice that of perfectly used condoms. With average use, the failure rate is 27%. Condoms are also a lot more reliable than just taking some guy's word that he'll pull out "when the time comes." I mean, really?

You could say anything worked with that kind of attitude. "Hey, for the past few weeks I've been douching with lemon juice, and I haven't gotten pregnant! LOL it works!" ALSO: Welcome to a public forum. Everyone argues together here; the concept of a private conversation in this setting is just laughable.

If responding to something directed at someone else in a public forum was stupid, what would be the point of a public forum? You've just discredited any comment that responds to a comment addressing the OP... which is the majority of comments on this thread. I also never said there was a misunderstanding on your part regarding responses. But hey, if it makes you feel better to argue with some 14-year-old you think you might have a chance of winning against, by all means, knock yourself out. :)

FallEnlightening (#232), while I don't claim to know everything because I have had sex, I certainly know a lot more AFTER I had it than BEFORE I ever did. I don't know if you saw my previous confrontation with Chfanfiction on a previous FML, but he was spouting so much self-righteous, holier-than-thou garbage that you wouldn't believe it was the same guy who posts "harmless opinions." He was actually boastful of his age and his lack of experience and it seems that he concealed those facts this time around. I DO think he needs some advice. Maybe it is not popular to say around here, but I don't think people under 18 should be coming to this site. I remember being a teenager and being ready to jump into the adult world. I missed out on the last part of my childhood and I can never get it back. Maybe you will call me a stupid, old fart, or maybe you might learn from my mistakes. It's your choice. fuckmeamiright(#234), you are a hack for parrotting what #232 said.

Okay, I think this discussion has gone on long enough. If I so choose, I will continue to post in other parts of FML where people are being idiots. The main reason I posted earlier was because I was tired of seeing all the people running around saying "then do anal or oral bitch lol" with no real opposition.

sleepreader 0

efwiz, you are retarted, morning after pills are only for real emergency situations, not when you just don't have any other contraception with you. they can really **** up a woman's hormone system.

doesn't sound like a friend. sounds like 2 people having an affair and driving way out to not be caught in the act. no one would drive to another state just to have sex with a friend. go back to your husband, or divorce him. this is probably a sign that you shouldn't have been bopping on his wang to begin with.

judging, judging, judging, how easy is that? "friends with benefits", ever heard of that? what if they live in a small town where everyone knows each other? Million of options to think of and I seriously don't think this website is for giving someone advice.

Welcome to the internet, Lillith. Judging, snark and dispensing unwanted advice make up the 4% of the internet that isn't ****. Enjoy your stay!

well, i am not judging, people can do what they want to do.... there is just something about this that doesn't seem right or make sense. i live in texas.... and texas is a HUGE place, and there are MANY stores open 24 hours..... it isn't like you are planning a vacay for a week..... how do you bring or aquire cards, but no condoms? and why do you travel all the way to a distant hotel to do it, but are not prepared with bringing protection....... and what does interrupted mean? cause phones can ring out of state in most cases......

YDI for not having your own supply of condoms. Why rely on him? And as others have noted. You can do other things that don't necessitate a condom.

Whoa, apparently no one here is concerned with the concept of STDs....Glad you played it safe. There's always the morning.

maybe they were really friends. maybe they were dating other people at that point and just wanted to have a night together. that could explain why they had to drive out and be so secretive. well looks like the gods arent in your favour. so no sex for ya