Sexy time

By Anonymous - 05/08/2009 05:25 - United States

Today, a friend and I drove all the way from Texas to a small town in Colorado to spend an entire uninterrupted night together. Not only did he forget to bring condoms but everything was closed by the time we got into town. We ended up playing cards on the bed instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 449
You deserved it 46 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HuskyButt 0

I just wonder why someone wants sex with "a friend". And yeah, like #2 said, there ways to have fun without condoms.

diemoelol 0

Awww, haha. That's actually kind of sweet to me.


Amending my last comment, if OP lives in the very northern part of Texas, and traveled to the very SE of colorado, its only 1.5 hours away with no major towns in between, or even relatively close. Sucks OP, but Manfriend should still have condoms available at all times.

musu_fml 0

Why is everyone assuming the OP is female? Condoms aren't just for preventing pregnancy; they're there to stop STDs too. Some might say that's the most important function.

tuculito 0

exactly, the OP could've been a dude, which makes it really understandable why they didn't want to do it without a condom. and also, who really cares why they went from TX to CO? maybe they had something else to do there or something. sheesh, does everything have to be explained to you people?

blah blah blah yes they could have done other stuff even though they forgot the condom, but why i the hell would you drive that far????? idiot!!

I personally think that if you know its going to get sexual that you as a girl should have carried condems to. And too all the people saying just pull out or stand up. Those dont work. Its called precum and and when you were to cum it still shoots up into the girls ****** anyway so standing up doesnt work either. So you guys should stfu and learn your facts. OP. I think YDI because you should have been carrying some condoms to. Better luck next time ;)

If you're going to drive that far to begin with just to have sex, how about continuing on to ******* Denver instead? Surely there's a pharmacy open there. YDI

fyl for not being able to enjoy yourself without having sex. especially if he's a 'friend' of yours.

AntiChrist7 0

A "friend", not boyfriend? Do you sleep with everyone you know the name of? YDI

If he is a "friend" and not a boyfriend, isn't playing cards more appropriate for your relationship with him anyway? FYL for being forced into being respectable.

upyoursmo 0

just do without :P not the end of the world. lol