Sexy time

By Anonymous - 05/08/2009 05:25 - United States

Today, a friend and I drove all the way from Texas to a small town in Colorado to spend an entire uninterrupted night together. Not only did he forget to bring condoms but everything was closed by the time we got into town. We ended up playing cards on the bed instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 449
You deserved it 46 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HuskyButt 0

I just wonder why someone wants sex with "a friend". And yeah, like #2 said, there ways to have fun without condoms.

diemoelol 0

Awww, haha. That's actually kind of sweet to me.


Dude, OP: 2 things. 1. pull out, 2. just get pregnant. It's no that bad, srsly. And since he's your friend that means no relationship drama.

why the **** did you drive to Colorado?? am i the only one seeing something odd here??

Am I the only person who knows that there are only 40 miles between Texas and Colorado? Sure that's border to border, but it is not strange to think that Texans would drive to beautiful Colorado for a getaway. Plus...I have to say; did you ever think he might have "forgotten" on purpose? Did he tell you he had them and that's why you didn't get any? Come on now men. Fess up. How many of you have played the "I forgot the condoms" bit to try and get some skin? But in all honesty I feel bad for you guys who have to deal with condoms. That's why I enjoy this little thing called MONOGAMY!

Not sure about the road trip. Sucks about the condoms. You could have gone oral, anal, frottage, whatever. While you may lack some imagination, at least you had sense to abstain, so I'll give you props for that.

I've had a few dates that were nothing but 2 or 3 ******** to ******. (Two swallowers, one spitter.) Wonderful, lifelong memories for me. Sucked for them, literally!

This is what I'm talking about. All he cares about is sex.

This IS a very sexual FML. Do you want me to talk about card games? I'll bet you'd chime in with your pontifications about the evils of gambling! One thing, in your ignorance, is that you failed to inquire why this couple uses condoms. Is it for birth control or are they preventing disease transmission? It seems that if they are an established couple, wouldn't they have disclosed what STD's they are carrying? Wouldn't the girl go on The Pill? Texas is a very big state. You can get in a car and drive far away and still be in Texas for that uninterrupted night. There's a lot wrong with this story.

Eelusive 0

FHL if you didn't at least give him a hummer.

efmivida 0

come on now, you can still have plenty of fun

Um, that's why people use the internet to do research on the place they are going. To make sure there are gas stations or convenience stores that sell condoms. Or at least to make sure there are things to do in that town.

doicha27 0

you didnt think about asking if he brought them during the entire trip? im from dallas and i know the trip is pretty damn long, at least 12 hours to get to denver or so. yall could've bought condoms any of the three or four times if not MORE that you had to fill up at a gas station. you ******* deserved it for not thinking about the whole reason you were going on the trip. plus it sounds like you're a dude tryna **** another dude since you didnt say you were a woman. why else would you go all the way to colorado to ****. im not hatin, im just sayin...

ashole1990 10

you know the entire time i was reading comments i didnt realize but everyone automatically assumed it was a guy and a girl, but its not actually said go figure

The thing I'm confused about is you only call the person "friend" not boyfriend. And you wouldn't really call a one-night stand a friend unless you knew them well. And for a one-night stand I doubt you'd go all the way to Colorado.