Sexy time

By Anonymous - 05/08/2009 05:25 - United States

Today, a friend and I drove all the way from Texas to a small town in Colorado to spend an entire uninterrupted night together. Not only did he forget to bring condoms but everything was closed by the time we got into town. We ended up playing cards on the bed instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 449
You deserved it 46 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HuskyButt 0

I just wonder why someone wants sex with "a friend". And yeah, like #2 said, there ways to have fun without condoms.

diemoelol 0

Awww, haha. That's actually kind of sweet to me.


Funny how everyone says the OP should have done anal. You can still get pregnant from anal sex. Semen leaks out of orifices, and given its close proximity to the ****** during anal sex, the possibility is very real. As real as pre-cum getting someone pregnant. And pre-cum, by the way, usually only contains sperm if a man has ejaculated recently. Look it up.

justchillin_fml 0

you brought cards but not condoms? way to think of the important stuff

Like everyone else seems to be saying, why depend on the guy for condoms? Most guys hate (HATE) them. Maybe buy your own box for next time. Just in case.

"You can still get pregnant from anal sex" That's bullshit. It's like saying you can get pregnant by oral sex or getting HIV by holding hands. But (and that's important' you can have std by having anal or oral sex. However it's good not to do anything if you don't have a condom. However i do not understand why drive that much to have sex

ruby437 0

Dude, you can get pregnant from anal. It's not as likely as if a man ejaculated in your ******, but still a very real possibility. Like the above poster said, it drips out and the asshole and ****** are very close to each other.

This FML SUCKS pretty gay. It is call the Plan B Pill

this is either fake or the op is a retard. who drives from Texas to colorado to spend a single night together? ydi for not bringing your own condoms. get a hotel room next time in your own city.

spaceranger33 0

Wow, you must have a great friendship if you're bored out of your mind with each other when not having sex...

Men always bring the condoms. Period. Friend/Man/Manfriend fail. Also, I don't know where in the hell you came from or went to, but it's pretty hard to getting from Texas to Colorado without passing through A MAJOR CITY WITH, UHH, A ******* GAS STATION, complete with ATM and RACKS UPON RACKS of condoms. Stop, pull over, purchase and continue on to the FuckFest. You don't even have to turn off the engine. Finally, if you live far enough west in Texas, I'd have just gone to Vegas baby.

there are gas stations in colorado... why not go buy some wraps?