Sharing is caring

By Anonymous - 07/12/2010 09:38 - United Kingdom

Today, I was sitting on the bus when a large woman with what seemed like the flu came to sit beside me. After snorting hideously for five minutes, she picked up her scarf, blew her nose into it, and dropped it. It fell on my lap. When I stood up to leave the bus, there were streaks of snot on my new skirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 250
You deserved it 3 093

Same thing different taste

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hockey_girl10 0

what have we learned from bus fml's??? DON'T TAKE IT!

ah hahaha no way i would of barfed!!!!!!!!

To all you ignorant people put there ... a size 12 is considered obese. if you are short a size 6 might be obese so don't be so fuking ignorant about weight problems.

She must've gotten mad because you didn't bless her when she sneezed. :/

ugh that is just gross!! ..but i don't like how you had to describe her as obese when that had nothing to do with the post.

Why do fat people have no personal hygiene?