Shelve your plans

By anon17 - 18/03/2010 13:49 - United States

Today, I discovered that my fiancé had responded to an online missed connection posting. He has been emailing, exchanging pictures and making plans to go out with this girl. We are supposed to be married in the fall and just put down the non-refundable deposit on our reception site. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 682
You deserved it 3 294

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what an asshole...sorry OP sometimes it's the people who we luv most which hurt in the worst possible way. :-(

I want to call you a ****. ..........But that's just an insult to vaginas.


well... sounds to me like you deserve it for being a shallow money hungry succubus.

firenymph 0

if you've yet to confront him and can get the meeting address, attend from a distance and see for yourself. if he is the cheating kind one has to wonder which is cheaper, that deposite or a divorce ..... besides if this is just a friend from the Internet he should be upfront with you and invite you to meet with her as well. men only lie about where they are going and hide their rendevous when they are with someone they should not be in a manner they should not be. the same goes for women. Internet dating is just as damaging to a relationship as physical dating. it does not take much to convert from one to the other.

hamstring 0

yea... even if the deposit was more then a grand, I'd walk away from that in a heartbeat. if he's curious about what else is out there before you're even married... that's bad news

bigpapi210 0

well might as well cancel the wedding despite how much the deposit was, unless you're a tightass about the money? is it worth the years of infidelity you will see in the future? if he's already cheating now he will always cheat mami. cut your loss now.

thejedi08 10

that's soooo ****** up he is ruining something extraordinary >:(

Why do people marry? Men cheat and women spend story of your life.