Shelve your plans

By anon17 - 18/03/2010 13:49 - United States

Today, I discovered that my fiancé had responded to an online missed connection posting. He has been emailing, exchanging pictures and making plans to go out with this girl. We are supposed to be married in the fall and just put down the non-refundable deposit on our reception site. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 682
You deserved it 3 294

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what an asshole...sorry OP sometimes it's the people who we luv most which hurt in the worst possible way. :-(

I want to call you a ****. ..........But that's just an insult to vaginas.


ooo.. another thing.. kinda fyi for all girls...and guys, i guess: my cousin found this out the long way-- if a guy proposes to you (and gives you a ring) FOR a holiday (Christmas, Birthday, Valentines, ect) then you don't have to LEGALLY give the ring back.. if he gives it to you on a random day, for the purpose of the engagement only, then he could take you to court for it and get it back..... well, that's how it is in VA.. my cousin broke off her engagement and her ex demanded her to "give the ring back" and he was a jerk about how he asked so she told him no (he proposed for her bday).. well, he took her to court and the judge told him that the ring was a gift and she didn't have to give it back if she didn't want to. I would sell the ring.... don't give it back and don't throw it off a cliff or something retarded.. get some use out of it.

My mom says to make it into a necklace. It's creating something beautiful out of a bad experience! I gave mine back, though.

Not accurate. Whenever this situation is presented on every single "Judge________" show I've ever seen, the woman has to give back the engagement ring. Doesn't matter if the ring was given on a holiday or a regular day, who broke the relationship off, or why the engagement ended, the ring goes back to the one that purchased it. The judge always says that the engagement ring indicates that a marriage is to take place and if it doesn't, the ring is returned to the giver of it.

no, that's inaccurate. u don't have to return gifts,

Sorry, you are incorrect. An engagement ring is inextricably tied to an impending marriage. It's not a gift. If the marriage doesn't occur for whatever reason, the ring is returned to the giver. The man would easily win in court and get the ring back if the OP refused to return it to him. If a ring is given without the intent that a marriage will occur (no proposal, no strings), it is a gift. After the marriage is a done deal, both parties have fulfilled the marital obligation connected with the ring. It can then be kept by the woman should a divorce occur (unless there's some clause in a pre-nup requiring the ring's return to the husband -- say, because it is a family heirloom).

mercury42 0

@123, is that a legal opinion from a liscensed lawyer? Personally, I think the party who has been wronged should keep the ring. He screwed up, she keeps it. She cheats, he gets it.

If it was up to me, I'd let her keep the ring. Afterall, giving it back would simply add insult to injury. However, the ring came with strings attached (marriage), so if the wedding isn't going to happen, the ring isn't hers to keep. She may be able to persuade the giver to let her keep it (say, in exchange for her agreeing not to sue him for 1/2 the reception hall deposit).

@125, yes #123 is correct, that is the legality of the situation.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

This is the part where you burn him alive and loan his ashes to a cat-owning neighbor that wants to save money on kitty litter. Sorry, OP :[

Dismissal 4

What is this I see? A real FML, and not some "I found a dead mouse in my shoe" story? o: FYL OP, and make your (hopefully ex) fiancée pay for the non-refundable.

Consider it money well spent. He'd end up costing you much, much more if you married him.

Make him eat the deposit out of his pocket.

tcbailey 0

Why the **** would you even consider giving the ring back??? Don't lie about what happened to it, if he ask for it back simply laugh in his face and ask him if he really expected that to happen. Then you proceed to tell him not to think that hard it's not one of his best qualities, BOOM DONE! Then eBay that shit!!

Eh, for some people it's not worth the fight. Sometimes, it just gets to the point where it's not worth anything to you, anymore. In this case, I would tell him he could have it back as soon as he reimbursed her for her part of the reception deposit.

tcbailey 0

snickers, you should get a TV show. You're good at giving cogent advice.