Shelve your plans

By anon17 - 18/03/2010 13:49 - United States

Today, I discovered that my fiancé had responded to an online missed connection posting. He has been emailing, exchanging pictures and making plans to go out with this girl. We are supposed to be married in the fall and just put down the non-refundable deposit on our reception site. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 682
You deserved it 3 294

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what an asshole...sorry OP sometimes it's the people who we luv most which hurt in the worst possible way. :-(

I want to call you a ****. ..........But that's just an insult to vaginas.


Well, I would dump his ass and make him pay you for the wasted funds. Be thankful you didn't pay for the entire wedding! If you can't get your money back, then you could always throw a big ass party in the fall!

Looks like he owes you your half of the deposit

He's a douchebag and an asshole. If be like, BYE

Nate_moore19 8

Well sometimes people may get freaked out because marriage takes away freedom to date who you like, and maybe the fiancée actually still loves the OP, but just wants something as stupid as meeting with a girl to maybe feel a little better about the commitment he's getting in to.

sarahcroy20 12

That totally sucks. The only good thing is that you found out before you married him.