
By stew - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, it took me more than four hours to set up the back yard for my daughter's baby shower. It only took my husband one push of a button to turn on the sprinklers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 518
You deserved it 3 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ooo Could he not have forseen that water and decorations don't mix?!?!?


This proves that men do not listen as the wife had to have told the husband that she was throwing a baby shower for their daughter but as #46 said he could have been at work all day and absent-mindedly forgot. So I'm going with that he forgot and accidently turned on the sprinklers, cause that just seems to be the logical explanation cause if a man is cruel enough to do that then, well, that's just really horrible of him. Even as a joke/prank that's not funny. Whether he forgot or it was a joke/prank, he'd feel and hear how effin' mad I am ;-)

Sheesh... Chill out! Maybe he didn't know or he forgot? Man or woman we're all human... Ignorance and/or stupid accidents are not prone to men alone. Are you perfect?

Perhaps you missed the part where LadyDee said the logical explanation was that he forgot...

beaniebabe 0

Men are oblivious( in some occasions )

ydi for being pregnant... gross and annoying

What are you 8 or something? Gross and annoying? You're a retard, please go kill yourself.

she's not pregnant her daughter is dipshit.

BikerMike 0

Not all men are dumb - just us ones who got married. I wonder how many women drive with the oil pressure light on and end up replacing and engine at the cost of $3000 or more, but if they had the car towed the cost would have been in maybe a couple hundred dollars.

Oh my god #45 take a chill pill!!! It's just an FML and there's no need for you to rant about how she shouldn't be mad and how she's pathetic. She has every right to be mad after doing all that work and then having it ruined. And she's not pathetic for writing an FML. I'm sure you've posted a bunch too, so just watch what you say in the coments.

brink0war 3

Well you did want a Baby Shower for your daughter...

All the sexist argument comments are fun to watch :D

They actually are. The only problem is that I get depressed because all of the sudden I realize they're all absolutely serious.

You wanted a shower didn't you? Babies are overrated anyway.